Artists News The message of Işıl Yücesoy, who left the ambitious ATV series, was a guide for her young colleagues!

The message of Işıl Yücesoy, who left the ambitious ATV series, was a guide for her young colleagues!

One of the leading roles in the TV series Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam (I Can’t Fit in this World), which was broadcast on ATV on Tuesday evenings, was master actress Işıl Yücesoy.

Işıl Yücesoy, who returned to the screens with a long-running television series after the Aşk ve Mavi series, which was broadcast in 2016-2018, made significant contributions to the success of Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam series.

The master actress, who was born in 1945 and is 77 years old, has given an important message by being present in television projects that many young people want to stay away from due to their busy working hours.

Işıl Yücesoy, who has worked hard for the character of Gülendem in the series Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam since the beginning of the season, has set an example for her young colleagues without complaining about the busy set environment, announced on her social media account that she will leave the story.

While announcing this separation, the master actor gave another message to his young colleagues. Although she is 77 years old, Işıl Yücesoy expressed her love for the acting profession and stated that she will not rest but meet her fans again with different projects.

The master actress, who revealed that she decided to focus on stage works despite breaking away from the series sets, will meet with the audience again with the theater.

Reminding that she has been working for Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam for almost 1 year since last June, Işıl Yücesoy thanked her teammates and expressed her excitement for producing new works with the following words:

“It’s time to say goodbye to Gülendam, whom I have been working on and trying to make alive since June. I would like to thank all my fellow actresses and all the workers of Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam, who did not leave me alone on this journey with their love and respect when I left of my own accord. Every ending is a new beginning, I wish to be eye to eye and heart to heart in new adventures with you, my dear audience, love…”

Işıl Yücesol, emphasizing that she will meet with her audience again in new adventures, emphasizes that she will not break away from the stages and sets even though she is 77 years old, and sets a good example to her young colleagues.