Artists News The name that will blow the minds of the audience in 2023 will be Gülsim Ali İlhan!

The name that will blow the minds of the audience in 2023 will be Gülsim Ali İlhan!

Series Turkish

The fans who were eagerly waiting for Gülsim Ali İlhan’s character in the new series Al Sancak were amazed. The fact that the actress will play a foreign intelligence agent with the character named Nadia was very interesting to her fans. The actress, who has usually appeared in drama series and has come to the fore with more emotional scenes, will now portray a warrior female character in an action project.

The character named Nadia is specially trained, patient and knows how to fight well. Of course, it was not easy for Gülsim Ali İlhan to reach this point. The actress, who went through a special training for the character for 3 months, learned fighting techniques and increased her fitness. In the action-packed moments of the series, the famous actress will have very difficult moments on the set. It is understood that Gülsim Ali İlhan learned many fighting techniques while preparing for such an environment.

The famous actress will appear on the screen with a very surprising character and will serve the enemies of Turkey in the impressive story of the Al Sancak series. The actress, who is preparing to appear in front of the audience with a reverse role in the TV series Al Sancak, where the heroism of the Turkish soldier is told, expressed her feelings with these words:

“Nadia is a character full of surprises, I learn something different about her in every new episode and I am interested. There is hardly a person that he cannot defeat by using her intelligence, thanks to the heavy training she has received, she is in a structure that can withstand difficulties. Patience is my favorite feature of Nadia’s character. For her, patience is not submission. Patience means struggle.”

The details in the scenario also come as a surprise for the actress, who has not played such a different and powerful character among the characters she has played so far. The actress will see a different side of the character in each new episode, and of course on-screen viewers will be amazed at how she is in action-packed scenes.

Gülsim Ali İlhan explained that although she had a hard time getting used to this different character at first, it has now become a habit with the following words: “It took time to get used to her characteristics, which I don’t have, apart from her past and future. I received about 3 months of special military training. I also received combat training. I prepared at a heavy pace from morning to evening every day. I discovered that what seemed impossible at first became a habit and I did it with ease.”

The Al Sancak series, in which the heroic story of the Turkish soldier will be told, is a very special production and producer Bozdağ Film did not spare any sacrifices. The Al Sancak series, in which Uğur Güneş will play the leading role as a special operations soldier, will deeply affect the audience.