Series News The ratings of the Camdaki Kız series are dazzling again, they do not fall from the top towards the final!

The ratings of the Camdaki Kız series are dazzling again, they do not fall from the top towards the final!

Many TV series are talked about with the decrease in their ratings as they progress towards the finale. But Camdaki Kız (Girl in the Glass) is not such a series. Having gained the support of a wide audience since its first day, the Camdaki Kız will bid farewell to its audience at the end of the season.

The series, whose 74th episode was broadcast last night, was ahead of its competitors in all audience groups. The series, which added new ones to its successes in the third season, continued to receive very successful ratings in the 74th episode.

There were also remarkable developments in the 74th episode of Kanal D’s popular TV series The Camdaki Kız, produced by OGM Pictures.

Adapted from Gülseren Budaıcıoğlu’s novel of the same name and telling a real life story, the last episode of The Camdaki Kız, aired last night, left its mark on Thursday evening with its exciting moments.

The episode that ended when Hayri came home with his divorce papers and saw Nalan with Türkan and the children attracted great attention from the audience.

The 75th episode of The Camdaki Kız, full of surprise developments, will be on Kanal D on Thursday, April 20.