Series News The Tozluyaka audience loves the romantic fights of Ege and Zeyno!

The Tozluyaka audience loves the romantic fights of Ege and Zeyno!


Tozluyaka series and the new couple of the series Ege and Zeyno left their mark on this summer season. While Tozluyaka is very successful in the ratings, the bickering and fights of Ege and Zeyno are also at the top of the agenda on social media.

The audience loved the series Tozluyaka, which met with the audience on Fox TV on Monday evenings. While all the summer TV series are experiencing great disappointment in the ratings, Tozluyaka is going crazy. Increasing the ratings every week, Tozluyaka is expected to continue in the winter season.

The Tozluyaka audience loves the constant bickering between the two characters of the series, Ege and Zeyno. Played by Serra Pirinç and Özgür Foster, Ege and Zeyno are two very opposite characters.

Ege is the handsome and cocky son of a wealthy family, and Zeyno is a female character who looks like a boy who has no business with men yet.

However, there is a very serious electricity between the two characters. However, this couple prefers to constantly bicker and fight instead of admitting that they like each other right now. The audience cannot take their eyes off these scenes.

The love between the two is about to break and the audience is watching the funny story of these two young people holding their breath. Ege and Zeyno couple continue to be on the agenda of social media with their bickering every week.

Tozluyaka made both young players draw attention. At the age of 25, Serra Pirinç stepped on the sets of the TV series in 2017 with the TV series Bizim Hikaye (Our Story). She starred in the TV series Vuslat, Mucize Doktor, Kağıt Ev and Saklı.

Serra Pirinç plays Zeyno, the young girl of the neighborhood, in the series Tozluyaka.

Özgür Daniel Foster, who gave life to Ege, is also 25 years old, just like Serra Pirinç. Foster, who is actually a national sailing athlete, stepped on the sets in 2020 with the series Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm.

The actor had the opportunity to show his talent in acting with the character of Ege, which he played in the series Tozluyaka.