Series News There is a series you must watch to rediscover Cemre Baysel and Furkan Andıç!

There is a series you must watch to rediscover Cemre Baysel and Furkan Andıç!

Fans of the TV series Bozkır (Steppe), broadcast on Blu TV, attribute a different meaning to Cemre Baysel and Furkan Andıç than the TV series. Because their performance in Bozkır has a meaning.

The viewers, who liked the duo in the Bozkır series, are also very pleased with the harmony of the character Payidar and Sevda.

Many people may not have followed the second season of the Bozkır series. However, in order to make a different assessment of these two young names, it is necessary to watch the TV series Bozkır.

Television critic Sina Koloğlu also shared the details of this series with her followers on social media.

As reflected in the social media comments of many viewers, Furkan Andıç in the character of Payidar seems to have surpassed his performances so far. A viewer says, “Furkan Andıç is beyond wonderful. The man is literally living the role.”

You can find a lot of social media posts that the harmony between Furkan Andıç and Cemre Baysel is very beautiful.

Sina Koloğlu, on the other hand, approaches these two young actors from a different perspective. He states that he saw his acting power, which was not expected from them due to the intensity of shooting and long durations in television series, in Bozkır.

Sina Koloğlu commented on Furkan Andıç: “Personally, I like Furkan Andıç’s acting. As a payer, he made himself accepted in a different interpretation (according to Ekin). It kept the story going through him.”

As for Cemre Baysel, who dazzled with her success in the role of Sevda, Koloğlu’s comment is as follows:

“The same is true for Cemre Baysel in the role of Sevda. Beyond the characters of the open channel series… Let’s say their situation with Payidar made a finale of the series that we expected ‘it should have been like this’.”