Famous actor Cansel Elçin started to appear in the TV series Yasak Elma (Forbidden Apple) as a guest actor. As a successful finance manager, Cansel Elçin, who started to appear in the Yasak Elma series from the 138th episode, reminded that he will be a guest actor.
Speaking for the Yasak Elma, the actor said, “Its rating is very high. We already have a long-standing law with Medyapim. A company that I love very much. Fatih (Aksoy) was someone I wanted to work with for a very long time. It was good, it was very nice,” he said.
There is a fan base who thinks that the Yasak Elma series is not very compatible with the actor’s style. For fans wondering why he accepted this series, Cansel Elçin talked about what affected his in the Yasak Elma series.
Underlining the irony of the series with plenty of intrigue, the actor said that this situation appealed to his. Cansel Elçin said, “It attracted me. I like it very much. It’s a series built on a bit of irony even while playing. People are laughing while watching, it is a series of intrigues that you can watch while having fun.”
Cansel Elçin, who stated that he found the performance of his wife Zeynep Tuğçe Bayat, who played the character of Şahika in the TV series Baba (Father), also very good, said that everything went well in her life. Explaining that he is also pleased with the improvement of the weather, the actor said that he has some plans for the summer period.
Cansel Elçin, who stated that the idea of children is not yet, stated that they try to enjoy life and try not to think too much about the future. He stated that he has no idea about paternity yet, but he would be very pleased if he did.