Artists News Very special statements from the couple Cemre Baysel and Aytaç Şaşmaz, who are always on the agenda with their love!

Very special statements from the couple Cemre Baysel and Aytaç Şaşmaz, who are always on the agenda with their love!

Series Turkish

Baht Oyunu, Cemre Baysel and Aytaç Şaşmaz couple, who started to fall in love after becoming partners in the TV series, came first in a survey conducted by Hürriyet Newspaper’s Sunday Supplement last week.

360,000 votes were cast in the survey, where the newspaper’s readers were asked by the leading female and male young actors, whom they found “the best” in the recent period. Aytaç Şaşmaz and Cemre Baysel couple, who met on the set of the TV series and started to love in real life, took the first place in the list by getting the most votes among 20 female and 20 male finalists.

The famous couple, who was selected as Turkey’s new popular men and popular woman as a result of the survey, in which 360 thousand games were used, made striking statements in the interviews they gave to Hakan Gence from Hürriyet Newspaper.

Aytaş Şaşmaz answered the question, “Is the beauty of the soul a priority in a relationship?” with these words; “Of course, external beauty is first, but then as you get to know the person in front of you, spend time, if that energy and frequency is retained, if you don’t say ‘Oh my god’ after talking, that person becomes valuable to you. Because you can’t stand everyone, and no one can stand you.”

“Love seems to me a bit like a clash of energies, a merging. The handsome actor, who draws attention with the words “It is not like opposite poles, but something like the intertwining, unification and acceptance of things,” explained what kind of a partner he is in the relationship as follows; “I am romantic when it comes to a relationship, and a realist when it comes to it. I am very candid, inside and out, I tell it, I try to find a solution to my problems… But when the time comes, I am romantic from a sweet spot.”

The beautiful actress Cemre Baysel, on the other hand, drew attention with her words, “I can’t stand a man who talks too much,” and stated that love makes him a smiling person.

Stating that she believes in the evil eye, the actress said, “I carry the evil eye bead occasionally, if my mother wears it. The thing I can’t stop when I start cooking is Food. I continue to eat even when I am full,” she said.