Artists News Would Mehmet Yılmaz Ak, Timur of the TV series Bahar, give his liver to the woman he loves?

Would Mehmet Yılmaz Ak, Timur of the TV series Bahar, give his liver to the woman he loves?

Series Turkish

Famous actor Mehmet Yılmaz Ak, after playing a strong male character like Prosecutor Pars in the TV series called Yargı (Family Secrets), takes the leading role in the TV series Bahar (Booming Lady) with a brand new character named Timur, who is a doctor but has trouble making decisions.

There are huge differences between Pars and Timur. While one of them may be a very strong personality, the other one does not know what to do, has difficulty making decisions and exhibits insecure attitudes.

Mehmet Yılmaz Ak, who portrayed both characters in a very strong way and surprised everyone with his talents, answered the question “Would you give your liver to your wife?”, which puzzled the viewers of the series. He answered the question.

In his statement in Episode magazine, Mehmet Yılmaz Ak revealed that he was the complete opposite of the Timur character in the series, and the following words of the actor did not go unnoticed:

“I think the balance of give and take is important in all relationships. “If I had been in such a situation, I had already given my heart, I would have given my lungs as well.”

Although the Bahar series is an adaptation, the famous actor underlined what it offers to the audience with a new interpretation and said that this reinterpretation is one of the reasons why it is loved so much.

Explaining that he is proud to be involved in such a business, Mehmet Yılmaz Ak thinks that the Bahar series makes important contributions to the audience and the industry.