Artists News CanYaman’s exam is just beginning! Let’s not forget the example of Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ!

CanYaman’s exam is just beginning! Let’s not forget the example of Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ!


The famous actor Can Yaman shone with the Early Bird after announcing his name with the Full Moon series … He gained a great reputation. It reached a point that many Turkish actors could not even dream of. Can Yaman admiration in Turkey is not so strong … The places where Can Yaman goes and the streets he travels are not overflowing with Turkish fans …

Can Yaman series are also instances of productions seen many times for the Turkish serials audience … Can Yaman is not Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ for a Turkish TV audience.

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ is a name that passed from modeling to acting. In other words, someone who feeds on popular culture. However, neither he became a magazine freak, nor did he exhibit attitudes that would bring his character down. Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ has always invested in him. He invested in his physics. Stline invested. But above all, he invested in acting.

The audience watches the roles of Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ with a different eye. In other words, he knows that he is a popular culture product, but he positions him as someone who develops himself in that culture and acquires a place of his own.

Can Yaman is not at this point yet. It gained tremendous popularity with the Full Moon TV series followed by the Early Bird. Much he loved even more than Turkey, after someone was running around fans from different countries.

But his real test is starting now … Maybe he has been fed by popular culture and shined his star. The Mr. Wrong series will be a big test. Because now he has to improve himself in acting and prove it.

The audience was impressed by both his physique and style. Next he needs to be influenced by his acting success and to position him at a different point in popular culture.

Just like Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ did …

Can Yaman has studied at Italian High School, graduated from law school, educated. In other words, he has all kinds of equipment to invest in him.

Taking dance lessons and learning Spanish are remarkable efforts. However, the Mr. Wrong series is not an Early Bird-like, it is necessary to invest in his profession in order to be written in mind with his acting.

If Can Yaman doesn’t say ‘I was’ like Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ, If you can progress by adding it on top, it will remain popular for many years.