Artists News If the Bergen movie is postponed, this is the chance of Serenay Sarıkaya!

If the Bergen movie is postponed, this is the chance of Serenay Sarıkaya!


It has been claimed that the filming of the film Bergen, whose preparations have been ongoing for a long time, has been postponed to an uncertain date. According to the news in the Takvim newspaper, it is not known when the shooting of the project where Serenay Sarıkaya will revive Bergen. Bergen is a popular name for Turkish arabesque music. Bergen lived for 30 years. The man he devoted her life to, first of all, took the beauty of her face. Then that man ended her life with one bullet because of jealousy. Bergen became famous in Turkish music as ‘the woman of pain’.

Shooting was expected in June before the coronavirus outbreak. Serenay Sarıkaya also continued her preparations. It even came to the knowledge that the famous actress intensified her preparations during this period when she stayed home due to coronavirus.

What makes Serenay Sarıkaya, who made a great effort for the role of Bergen, is that her voice and song rhythm are not so prone to arabesque music. The actress, who tried to sing songs like Bergen, was trying to adapt herself to arabesque music by listening to Bergen songs even in her car.

In the news, which was also included in the magazine press, Serenay Sarıkaya’s attention was drawn to the warning of her teacher, who took the singing lessons despite all her efforts.

Serenay Sarıkaya, who was criticized as “Your voice is more European, not prone to arabesque”, increased the number of lessons. The famous actress, who cares about the Bergen movie for her career, explained the importance she gave to the Bergen movie in an interview by saying “my dream project”.

Serenay Sarıkaya, who does not want anything to rush, is a great chance to postpone the shooting. Now she has more time to work. She can both work more intensively on Bergen’s life and find time to bring her voice to the level of arabesque music with singing lessons.

Serenay Sarıkaya’s meeting with Bergen’s family and getting some details about her life and breathing that dream will also be a good work. The actress said that they were considering such an attempt.

Serenay Sarıkaya talks about the importance of the Bergen movie with these words:

“This is a job that I really care about in my career. So we do not want anything to rush. We want to realize this project properly. We are moving forward to ourselves more confidently.”