Series News New developments that confuse things in the Arıza!

New developments that confuse things in the Arıza!

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There was an excitement in the episode of Arıza, signed by 03 Medya, which was screened on Show TV last night. While the consortium was coming together after the Elderly’s kidnapped weapons were found, an image sent to the phones during the meeting created a shock effect. Ali Rıza and members of the consortium learned that Halide was kidnapped.

Everyone took action to bring the kidnapped weapons of the Elderly in the TV series Arıza, which was watched with admiration and left its mark on Sunday evenings. Burak took back the weapons he had previously kidnapped and given to the Russians with an operation he carried out. Ali Rıza’s arrival, on the other hand, spoiled Burak’s entire plan.

While Ali Rıza intercepted Burak and took back the weapons, the presence of Murat next to Ali Rıza upset the balances between Ersoylu brothers once again. As the consortium came together after the goods were found, a message came to everyone’s phones at that moment. Ali Rıza and the members of the consortium, who opened the image, saw Halide kidnapped. “Who kidnapped Halide?” The answer to the question has already been a matter of curiosity.

The 22nd episode of the Arıza series, which was broadcast yesterday evening, again achieved good results in the ratings, but fell behind the Redemption. Social media reflections of the series were also strong. The tag without #farket Twitter for a long time took place on the agenda in Turkey.


Balaban was interrogated by Safir but said he would not speak despite Safir’s methods. While Safir’s interrogation was continuing, Balaban was abducted as a result of a surprise raid. It turned out that it was Ali Rıza who took Balaban away from the Elderly. Ali Rıza, who took Balaban to tell him what he knew about his father, learned that his father’s murderer was the Elderly. Balaban watched a video showing that Ali Rıza’s father was shot by Safir. He said that he would tell Ali Rıza more, but that he had to accept his offer first. Although Ali Rıza seemed to have agreed with Balaban, he was actually in another plan. While Ali Rıza was implementing his own plan step by step, Burak and Balaban took action on the other side as a result of their agreement.


The prevention of Elderly’s arms shipment caused strong winds to blow in the consortium. After the weapons were kidnapped by Burak, the Elderly gathered the table and asked for the weapons to be found immediately.


The surprise marriage proposal made by Ali Rıza on Valentine’s Day left its mark on the episode. Facing with a ring in the taxi when he never expected it, Halide could not hide her astonishment when she saw Ali Rıza in front of her. While the romantic moments of the couple affected the audience deeply, Halide said “yes” to Ali Rıza’s proposal.