Series News Surprise development in the separation of Serkan and Eda! New strategy in Love Is In The Air!

Surprise development in the separation of Serkan and Eda! New strategy in Love Is In The Air!

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The series Love Is In The Air, broadcast on Fox TV on Saturday evenings, has been on the screen since the summer season. The ratings of the series, in which Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin are the leading roles, dropped during the season. Recently, it resists the ratings with the bone staff. While it is already struggling with its opponents, the arrival of a new rival series brings some changes in the series!

It is understood that there will be new developments in the love of Serkan and Eda in order to extend the story, not to decrease and increase the rating! On Saturday, ATV’s new drama series Kardeşlerim attracted great attention even with its trailers. In this case, a new difficult process started for Fox’s series!

Because the series Love Is In The Air, which is in a fierce competition with the TV series An Anatolian Tale and North Star on Show TV, is likely to drop its ratings when it meets its new rival!

It is known that Fox TV continues to shoot another series before a series is finished, and it takes the series with a low rating and immediately put the other in its place. There is no day for the Warriors series that is currently waiting in reserve! The new series Innocence is coming to Wednesday, which is vacated from the Zümrüdüanka. For this reason, it was a difficult time for the series Love Is In The Air.

It is understood that there will be some developments that will raise the expectations of the viewers in the new trailer. It seems that some developments were added to the script with an unavoidable tactic, with the separation of Eda and Serkan! Selin was among the couple who broke up again just before they got married.

The audience was also nervous because the two did not meet and the situation turned into a drama. This time, it seems that new and emotional steps have been taken in order not to drive the audience further away. While Serkan and Eda are getting closer to each other, Selin is being removed. Moreover, it is understood that there will be some changes after the scene where Selin, who is totally crazy, kisses Deniz in the trailer!

When the ratings on Love Is In The Air was falling, the scriptwriter immediately changed direction!

Although Serkan has lost his memory, it is seen that there is an attempt to reconnect between the two by saying “heart does not forget”. While the audience commenting on the promotion of the new episode is reflected in the comments that Selin screams of joy in the face of the madness of not breaking the bond between Serkan and Eda, it is seen that they are waiting impatiently for the new episode to watch the convergence between Eda and Serkan.

Let’s see if Eda and Serkan get closer, will bring new ratings to the series? Here is the 32nd episode 2 trailer: