Artists News Ceyda Düvenci and Bülent Şakrak couple have seen the European road!..

Ceyda Düvenci and Bülent Şakrak couple have seen the European road!..

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Ceyda Düvenci and Bülent Şakrak are among the couples that the tabloid world looks up to with envy with their exemplary marriages.

In the past years, the couple brought their happiness in their private lives to the theater stage and introduced the play Hanım & Efendi to the audience.

Bülent Şakrak wrote the one-act play Hanım & Efendi. Ceyda Düvenci made the poster design of the game. Bülent Şakrak gave the news that the play will meet with theater lovers again in Turkey and Europe, with a post on his Instagram account.

Sharing the poster of the game, Şakrak wrote, “We sat and waited for a long time, we are starting our meetings again at home and abroad, it’s almost time!” The game will open in Berlin at the end of October.

Ceyda Düvenci and Bülent Şakrak couple expressed their feelings about the game as follows; “A spectacle in which we try to explain our intentions to men and women by using only some of the tens of events we have all experienced, suggesting we can look at ourselves from the outside, aiming to leave a happy taste on the palate while reviewing our relationships as well as whet the appetite with the smells of food; Hanım & Efendi.”