Artists News Serenay Sarıkaya made a radical decision about her diet! Which food enters the actress’ dreams?

Serenay Sarıkaya made a radical decision about her diet! Which food enters the actress’ dreams?

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Famous actress Serenay Sarıkaya, who returned to the stage with the Alice Musical, was the guest of Ömür Sabuncuoğlu on Show TV.

Serenay Sarıkaya, who took a break from the stage for two years and said that she missed the ‘Alice Musical’ very much, stated that the story of ‘Alice’ also helped her, and said, “When I go on stage, just like ‘Alice’, I find myself in another world.”

The famous actress also admitted that she made an important decision during the preparation period for the “Alice Musical”; Sarıkaya, who decided to give up all dairy products along with the cheese he loves, said, “Cheese is in my dreams. I loved to eat. I dream that I bite a piece of cheese. But I quit because I realized it wasn’t good for me.” she said.

In her staff; Alice Musical, with Serenay Sarıkaya, Ezgi Mola, Enis Arıkan, Şükrü Özyıldız, İbrahim Selim and Merve Dizdar, met with the audience again on February 7, when it opened the curtain for the first time after a long break.

The play will meet its audience at Zorlu PSM on February 8, 12 and 13. Written by Lewis Carroll and translated into 174 languages ​​to date, “Alice in Wonderland”, one of the unique works of literature, took its place on the stage again as a contemporary musical adaptation under the direction of Serdar Biliş and choreography by Beyhan Murphy.