Series News New actors who will strengthen the story are joining the series, which will feature İlayda Alişan and Burak Yörük!

New actors who will strengthen the story are joining the series, which will feature İlayda Alişan and Burak Yörük!


With the arrival of spring, the preparations for the summer series came to the final stage and the shootings started. In general, romantic comedy-based series are on the screen in the summer season. During the season, productions with a more entertaining story are coming to the screen in order to relieve the audience who are tired with heavy drama series.

At the beginning of April, news about the summer series of the channels began to come. Among these series, two young and successful names; Information about the new TV series of Kanal D, which will feature İlayda Alişan and Burak Yörük, and which attracts attention with its name, continues to come.

Serdar Gözelekli will direct the project, which is expected to be a romantic comedy summer series, and the screenplay will be written by Barış Erdoğan and İlker Arslan.

The prominent stars of the young generation, İlayda Alişan’s “Asya” character and Burak Yörük’s “Tarık” character will give life to the cast of the series, and the Ayhan of the Erkenci Kuş (Early Bird) series, Ceren Taşçı, currently Zeynep Kankonde and İlkin Tüfekçi with the role of Menekşe in the Aşk Mantık İntikam (Love Logic Revenge) series.

In the series, which will start shooting in the coming weeks, Asya’s sister, who wants to be an actress, will be brought to the screen in a colorful language, whose life has changed suddenly with the discovery of the director.