Artists News Actress Öykü Karayel’s style raised social media!

Actress Öykü Karayel’s style raised social media!


Öykü Karayel, who made the finale of the TV series Kaderimin Oyuncu (My Destiny Game) last week, was the guest of Tonight with İbrahim Selim, which was broadcast on Fox TV.

Öykü Karayel, who published the outfit she wore in the program on her Instagram account, was criticized by her fans for her choice of outfit.

Her followers made hundreds of comments on the famous actress’s post in a short time. One follower said, “I wonder if you work with another stylist, we love Öykücüm Ezgi, but enough is enough!” made her comment.

Öykü Karayel often prefers to wear the clothes of her twin sister, Ezgi Karayel, who is a fashion designer. Another follower to the actress; She asked, “Why are you dressed like that for God’s sake?”

Her colleague Hazal Kaya commented on the acterss’s post with the evil eye bead emoji. Öykü Karayel was also much talked about with her statements on the program Tonight with İbrahim Selim.

The famous actress, who got married to singer Can Bonomo in 2018, made confessions about her husband and private life in the program.

Stating that she has a secretive side, the beautiful actress said, “Do you have a habit that you are trying to discourage Can Bonomo from?” To the question, “I can’t say it’s a habit, but yes, it has a very tiring side. Can also has an attention disorder. There are people living with someone with an attention disorder, it’s a difficult thing among us.”