Series News Senden Daha Güzel series is successful not in the ratings but on YouTube

Senden Daha Güzel series is successful not in the ratings but on YouTube


Fox TV’s summer series failed to make the expected debut in the ratings. However, the romantic comedy, which is highly appreciated by the audience, is running towards a great success on YouTube. This shows that the directory is on the right track.

It has already left behind four episodes of Senden Daha Güzel (More Beautiful than You), starring Cemre Baysel and Burak Çelik. Particularly, the series, which Cemre Baysel fans watched with great happiness, could not pass the average in the ratings. In fact, this is not just the problem of Senden Daha Güzel, but the problem of all TV series. Because with the start of summer, the ratings on all channels dropped a lot.

But Senden Daha Güzel series is a huge hit on YouTube. The first episode of the series, which was shared three weeks ago, was watched 10 million times.

The number of views of the second episode reached 7.6 million in two weeks. The fourth episode was watched 1.7 million times in just one day. This shows that Senden Daha Güzel is on the right track.

Cemre Baysel, who had great success with the series Baht Oyunu last summer, took a break from the sets during the winter. She returned to the screen with a romantic comedy this summer.

This time, the handsome actor Burak Çelik is in front of the camera.

After the Baht Oyunu, Cemre Baysel was curious about her compatibility with her new partner. The two actors seem to have achieved this harmony and made their fans happy with the first two episodes! The performances of the actors who are ascribed to each other are also appreciated.

In the meantime, a famous name will be the guest of the new episode of the series, which will be broadcast on Tuesday evening next week. Sinan Engin, the former football player and coach of Beşiktaş and now making football comments, will also appear in the series for one episode.

In the series, the love of a skin specialist doctor from Gaziantep and a very handsome and cocky plastic surgeon from Istanbul is told. Also in the squad are successful such as Ebru Cündübeyoğlu, Berat Yenilmez, Sevinç Erbulak, Cihan Ercan, Gözde Kaya, Tuğçe Kumral, Anıl Çelik, Merve Şen, Aziz Caner, Bahar Süer, Sena Çakır, Yunus Eski, Ozan Kaya Oktu, Beril Kolcu and Cem Kurtoğlu. names are also included.