Artists News In the TV series Kardeşlerim, Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun and Lizge Cömert have something in common!

In the TV series Kardeşlerim, Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun and Lizge Cömert have something in common!


Young actress Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun is followed by a large fan base thanks to the TV series Kardeşlerim (My Brothers and Sisters). The actress, who started acting at an early age and is one of the most popular names in the TV series, Kardeşlerim, continues to work very intensely.

While Kardeşlerim series continued on its way with its third season on the ATV screen with firm steps, the fact that the ratings started to rise towards the previous seasons increased the morale of the whole team.

A somewhat annoying situation arose when the first episodes of the third season of the series, which started in September, received low ratings in the ratings. However, there has been a recovery in the last period and the viewers took their places in front of the screen to watch the TV series Kardeşlerim.

Thanks to the series, Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun displays both her talents and her beauty. Her fans also make thousands of posts on social media every day, keeping her at the top of the list of the most talked about actresses. Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun, who has been among the top 10 female actors on this list for a long time, is experiencing the best times of her career.

Lizge Cömert, who gave a very successful performance in the character of Süsen in the series, was also one of the names followed carefully by the young people. The actress, who took advantage of the opportunity in the series and attracted a lot of attention with her youthful energy, is very similar to her co-star Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun in one respect.

Both young actors love to dance and they want to improve themselves in dance when they can find time.

Saying that she could not find the opportunity to improve herself in dance because she worked so hard on the set, Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun said, “I wish I had more time. I used to spend a lot of time dancing. I love it already. I just spent my life acting. If it wasn’t for acting, I would have continued dancing anyway.”

Another name who loves to dance in the TV series Kardeşlerim plays the character named Süsen in the story. Dancing is what the actress wants to do the most. Lizge Cömret said that “I can dance anywhere” and said that dancing makes her feel good.