Artists News TRT1’s new series has tempted him badly, Tolgahan Sayışman has returned from his big promise!

TRT1’s new series has tempted him badly, Tolgahan Sayışman has returned from his big promise!


When the TV series called Barbaroslar Akdeniz’in Kılıcı, which was broadcast on TRT1 screens last season, did not give the desired result, this time there was a big change from top to bottom.

The concept and cast of the Barbaroslar series have been changed and a brand new series has emerged. The name of this new series was announced as Barbaros Hayreddin Sultan Fermanı.

The series, which will soon meet with the audience on TRT1 screens, was constructed in a very different way with the lessons taken from the previous production and Tolgahan Sayışman plays the lead role.

The audience had the opportunity to watch the famous actor who was born in Istanbul in 1981, in the TV series Şeref Sözü. After the series, which was broadcast in 2020 and went on the air with great expectations, but only lasted for 4 episodes, Tolgahan Sayışman announced that he took a break from television projects.

Positioning himself at a different point in business life with the partnerships of both the construction company and the textile company, the actor later started to produce digital projects through the production company he founded.

The digital series called Sınır was one of them and played a leading role for Tolgahan Sayisman to further progress in production.

Now, Tolgahan Sayışman plays the leading role in the new series titled Barbaros Hayreddin Sultan Fermanı, which will be broadcast on TRT1 screens.

With the series, the actor, who returned from the big promise he made 2 years ago and will work on television again, made his fans very happy.

The series, which is preparing to leave its mark on the screens, attracted a lot of attention on social media with its first introduction. Tolgahan Sayışman, who gave life to Barbaros Hayreddin in the first introduction of the series, drew attention.

With a new character and a brand new story, you will soon be able to watch a historical project on TRT1.