Series News Yalçın Hafızoğlu, who could not find what he was looking for in the Gülümse Kaderine and Yalnız Kurt TV series, will be good for the new series!

Yalçın Hafızoğlu, who could not find what he was looking for in the Gülümse Kaderine and Yalnız Kurt TV series, will be good for the new series!


Yalçın Hafızoğlu, born in 1989, achieved great popularity with the character of Hızır Ali Çakırbeyli in the series Eşkıya Dünyaya Hükümdar Olmaz (The Bandits), in his acting journey that he started with the TV series Kiralık Aşk (Rent for Love) in 2019. Yalçın Hafızoğlu, who was one of the main characters and was in the staff from the very beginning to the end of this project, which lasted for 6 seasons, gained the support of a very large fan base.

After the series, the actress, who appeared on the screen with the projects named Gülümse Kaderine (Smile Destiny) and then the Yalnız Kurt (Lone Wolf), could not find what she was looking for in these two productions.

The actor had bad luck in two TV series in a row, after a series like Eşkıya Dünyaya Hükümdar Olmaz, which won the admiration of millions and had no rating problems.

For Yalçın Hafızoğlu, who participated in the ATV series “Yalnız Kurt” at the beginning of the second season, as well as the fact that the Fox TV series “Gülümse Kaderine” lasted for five episodes, the fact that this series was also a short-term job did not go unnoticed.

It was reported in the press that the name of the TV series Ab-ı Hayat, which is widely spoken and expected to be successful in 2023, has been changed to Lavanta Konağı (Lavender Mansion). The fact that Yalçın Hafızoğlu will also take part in the new series was also a surprise to his fans. The young actor will appear as Cem in the story of the series, starring the duo of Ebru Şahin and Birkan Sokullu.

The role of Cem, who we will watch as the fiancee of the character of Harika, played by Ebru Şahin, is already eagerly awaited by the fans of the actor.

The fact that Hümeyra, Zerrin Tekindor, Gözde Seda Altuner, Ayşegül Cengiz and Necip Memili are also included in the Lavanta Konağı series seems to be a sign that the side characters of the story will also be very strong.