Series News ‘Black White Love’ series hurt viewers

‘Black White Love’ series hurt viewers


‘Black White Love’ series will make the final after 2 episodes and say goodbye to the audience.

Many scenes are being skipped when you go to the final of the series. Sometimes it breaks on the stage when you want to tell a lot about the finale.

Despite all the criticism, however, the ‘Black White Love’ series leaves a scar on the viewer’s heart and runs to and from …

This wound is a very different story than the story of Aslı and Ferhat that they were holding and the chance of seeing the life they dreamed for them …

There are sequences that leave deep traces on the audience. Even early farewells are unforgettable for a long time.

The tremor created by Vildan and Özge had been hurting a lot of fanaticism, in the exact opposite of Ferhat’s expectations of the audience.

While they were holding on to the impossible love of Aslı and Ferhat, the attempt of the screenwriters to obtain the rating from this entree was costly.

The fall of the index rating and the walk to the finals was the result of the scriptwriter’s fault …

However, the series fanatics who enjoy watching a story that still leaves a nice taste on their minds, are also experiencing the sadness of this long drive.

‘Black White Love’ series fans who are looking for a match between black and white, who are waiting for the love of the ugly and beautiful,

Are they worried that the script will be ridiculous, are they afraid that the series they’ve been following for months are unable to meet the expectations, or are they going to go to the series of 2 more episodes after all these?

Clearly, ‘Black White Love’ was a great start for many audiences. It has been watched with great passion for weeks.

But it’s an example of how out of style, intrigue and raising ratings can have heavy consequences.

‘Black White Love’ is saying goodbye, the inside of the audience has not touched the bruise more and will not stop for a long time.