Series News Alp Navruz and Ayça Ayşin Turan became a source of pride abroad!

Alp Navruz and Ayça Ayşin Turan became a source of pride abroad!

There were various news in the press about the summer series called Ada Masalı (Island Tale) becoming very popular abroad.

Ada Masalı series, starring Alp Navruz and Ayça Ayşin Turan, was broadcast in 2021 and met with the audience with a total of 25 episodes.

In the TV series Ada Masalı, where the two leading actors were in perfect harmony, the story revealed the warmth of the summer season.

Alp Navruz and Ayça Ayşin Turan not only had a good energy after meeting in the series, but also had a love affair, which greatly increased the interest in the Ada Masalı series.

Among the Turkish TV series that continue to be sold abroad, Ada Masalı has a very good sales process.

The survival of the Ada Masalı series, which has spread to more than 40 countries, emerged as a result of both the story and the performance of the actors.

The Ada Masalı series, which was broadcast between June 15 and December 22, 2021, was shot in Izmir.

The fact that the Ada Masalı series, which spreads across a wide geography from America to Russia, attracted such great attention may make the producers pay more attention to romantic comedy stories.

We can say that the Ada Masalı series, which also attracted attention in Spain, has spread to more than 40 countries as a repetition of the success of romantic comedy series such as Bay Yanlış and Erkenci Kuş, which have attracted great attention before.

In the TV series Ada Masalı directed by Ali Bilgin; Remarkable names such as Nihan Büyükağaç, Bülent Çolak, Bedia Ener, İpek Tenolcay, İlkay Akdağlı, Rami Narin, Özge Demirtel, Merve Nur Bengi, Fatih Yücebağ and Eylül Ersöz were present.