Artists News Bergüzer Korel did a great job with her friends!

Bergüzer Korel did a great job with her friends!


Bergüzar Korel shook social media with the clip of the song “Last Letter” in her album. The famous actress, who took the audience to the old times, made the clip with her husband Halit Ergenç and many famous names.

Bergüzar Korel shared from her instagram account after her clip was released. The names in Korel’s clip are as follows: Engin Hepileri, Onur Büyüktopçu, Beyza Şekerci, Ayhan Koçak, Necati Kutlu, Gizem Kızıl, Merve Dizdar, İrem Kahyaoğlu, Esra Roşan, Burcu Kuş, Boran Kuzum, Miray Daner, Aliberk Reşitoğlu, Pınar Akın …

Bergüzar Korel thanked her famous friends who supported her. Stating that she did not get enough to watch the clip, Bergüzar Korel published the video as well as her message.

Here is the message and highly appreciated clip of Bergüzar Korel:

My dear friends
How beautiful we did, good thing we did ..
You didn’t break me ..
You were with me ..
Very precious,
Your presence ..
Your friendship ..
Your love ..
Your Brotherhood ..
It was a wonderful moment for all of us ..
I watch as I watch ..
What am I lying to,
There are drops of pits falling from my eyes every time ..
I embrace you with longing
And once again I am grateful for your existence ..
I love you very much..
Thank goodness ..

My long team, my friends and my wonderful team that created this world.
Thank you all.