Series News Breathtaking fight scene in the episode finale of Arıza!

Breathtaking fight scene in the episode finale of Arıza!

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The exciting developments were watched in the episode of Arıza, signed by 03 Medya, which was screened on Show TV last night. While the moves that Ali Rıza would make aroused great curiosity, who wanted to end Balaban and on the other hand chased the facts about his father, the fight scene that appeared on the screen in the final drew attention.

Ali Rıza went after the facts about his father in Arıza, which was watched with admiration by Show TV and left its mark on Sunday evenings. While Ali Rıza, who took action against Balaban and wanted to learn the truth, aroused great excitement, the fight scene that came to the screens in the final took his breath away. Ali Rıza had to go into the ring against a very strong opponent. As the tension gradually increased during the meeting of the two, Ali Rıza’s fall to the ground as a result of the blows was the scene of fearful moments. The only question in mind is “Will Ali Rıza stand up?” happened.

While the breakdown achieved rates of 5 in total with its 24th episode, which was published yesterday evening, it remained in 4 figures in the AB and ABC1 categories. The series became the second most watched series of the day in ABC1 categories with total. With the start of an exciting chapter # If the node label had long list of TT Twitter Turkey.


The old man told him to accept Balaban’s offer and stop the bomb to save Ali Rıza and Halide. A new era started in the consortium with the acceptance of Balaban’s condition by the elder. Ali Rıza, on the other hand, did not leave Balaban after what happened to Halide. Ali Rıza, who took action for revenge, destroyed the entire gang by pressing the warehouse where Balaban carried out his betting business.


Balaban’s presence at the table increased the tension in the consortium. Balaban, who came to attend the consortium meeting, faced the anger of Ali Rıza here as well. Ali Rıza, who put a gun on Balaban’s head, said he knew they were partners with Burak as well. Ali Rıza’s takeover of Balaban shocked the consortium. Violating the rules with this move, Ali Rıza also jeopardized his position in the consortium. With the majority of votes, Ali Rıza was removed from his post and Burak Ersoylu was replaced. The balances in the consortium were once again turned upside down.


Ali Rıza and his family went to the Gürkan family house to ask for Halide. Mithat’s arrival at the ceremony for asking for girls brought the events to an unexpected point. Meeting with Haşmet, Mithat watched the footage sent by Balaban. Haşmet went crazy when he learned that Ali Rıza’s father was among those who murdered his family. Haşmet, who finished his request for a girl, told Ali Rıza to take his family as well.

The highly anticipated new episode of Arıza is on Show TV on Sunday evening at 20:00!