Series News For the Red Room, this means a pride!

For the Red Room, this means a pride!

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Produced by OGM Pictures and adapted from Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu’s works that contain real life stories of real characters, ‘Red Room’, with its sixteenth episode screened on TV8, won the first place in all rating categories including All Persons, AB and 20 + ABC1. It continued to be the most watched production. The Red Room, which is closely followed by the Back Streets only in the total group on Friday evenings, is almost a bit of a finger in the AB and ABc1 groups with their ratings between 10-12.

In the sixteenth episode of the Red Room, Selvi (Sema Keçik) shared with Mrs. Doctor that Rıza (Rıza Nalbantoğlu) could not reunite with his mother after her death; Despite her despair, Mrs. Doctor reminded her that life is worth living.

While Esra (Elif Ceren Balık), who wants to leave the school because of the same fears by blaming herself for the divorce of her parents, Doctor Deniz stated that she should stop punishing her; He directed Berna (Sevinç Erbulak) to Doctor Piraye to make her relationship with her daughter healthier.

Boncuk (Burcu Biricik) explained the things she saw as a sign when she trusted Mrs. Doctor, and she waited for the minutes she would leave in the wedding dress she wore with hope.

Doctor Piraye, on the other hand, chose to follow her logic and distanced herself from Doctor Deniz.