Artists News Great disrespect to Sinem Kobal on social media!

Great disrespect to Sinem Kobal on social media!


Sinem Kobal, who turned out to be pregnant last week, is waiting for her baby with great excitement. Kenan İmirzalıoğlu and Sinem Kobal were married to a wedding ceremony held in Ayvalık in May 2016.

The couple has been shown as a model couple with their happiness for years. It was on the magazine’s agenda last week that Sinem Kobal is pregnant and expects a girl. Drawing attention as a happy and peaceful couple, the couple is now experiencing the excitement of their babies.

Great disrespect to Sinem Kobal on social media! 7

However, what is written on social media about Sinem Kobal draws attention as a great disrespect. Before Kenan İmirzalıoğlu, many messages were shared on the old relationship between Arda Turan and Sinem Kobal, who had been together for many years. Sinem Kobal remained on the agenda for a long time on Twitter and thousands of messages were published about him.

Social media users who stated that Sinem Kobal was very lucky to marry Kenan İmirzalıoğlu, published negative messages about Arda Turan.

Sinem Kobal fans published messages expressing this disrespect made to the famous actress.