A new Netflix series by Director Berkun Oya is coming! The series titled Bir Başkadır, undertaken by Krek Film, stands out as a Berkun Oya project. The cast of the series, which will consist of 8 episodes, consists of effective names.
Öykü Karayel, Fatih Artman, Funda Eryiğit, Alican Yücesoy, Tülin Özen, Defne Kayalar, Bige Önal and Settar Tanrıöğen stand out as the leading names in the series.
The TV series Bir Başkadır, which is expected to meet with the audience in 2020, the lives of 8 people from different backgrounds intersect in Istanbul.
Here they will either make new friends or have to deal with a complicated past.