Series News Having entered the season very quickly, Tozluyaka is also running towards success on YouTube!

Having entered the season very quickly, Tozluyaka is also running towards success on YouTube!


The first episode of Fox TV’s new summer series, Tozluyaka, came to the screen last week. The series, which was subjected to great criticism before its broadcast, took the storm with its first episode. The series, which was liked by everyone, also achieved great success on YouTube.

The second episode of the new youth series Tozluyaka will be on the screen tonight. The new episode is eagerly awaited.

The series, whose story was cliche by many before its release, managed to engulf millions with its first episode. With its first episode, Tozluyaka took the third place in all ratings. It also received very positive comments on social media.

Tozluyaka achieved great success not only on the screen but also on YouTube.

The first episode of the series, which was shared on YouTube five days ago, was watched by 3.5 million people. This number of views is expected to increase further in a short time.