Artists News How did Sinem Ünsal and Halit Özgür Sarı, talking behind each other’s back on the set of Gizli Saklı, fall in love?

How did Sinem Ünsal and Halit Özgür Sarı, talking behind each other’s back on the set of Gizli Saklı, fall in love?

Series Turkish

The love between two talented young actors of the screens Sinem Ünsal and Halit Özgür Sarı, which started on the set of the TV series Gizli Saklı (Secret Hidden), continues at full speed.

Gizli Saklı series made an early finale when it couldn’t get enough ratings. Sinem Ünsal made many striking statements, from her relationship that started on the set of the series to her private life, in an interview with Hakan Gence from Hürriyet Newspaper.

Sinem Ünsal also surprised me with her confession that I experienced love for the first time. The beautiful actress said the following in response to Hakan Gence’s words, “You said, ‘I don’t know if I’m experiencing love or not,’ in 2021…”

“Yes, I told you. But right now I think I’m living in love. Because it’s something I’ve never experienced before, and I think that’s love. You want to see the other person completely, you are looking for something new to love every minute. I think love is an affirmation… It’s not that you don’t see its negative features, it’s that you tolerate it because you see more of the positives.”

The actress who uttered these words for Halit Özgür Sarı, noting that their union went well, said, “Do not let the evil eye be touched; We are happy,” she said.

Stating that they are very opposite characters with Halit Özgür Sarı, Sinem Ünsal surprised her with the words “We even talked behind each other’s back when we first met”.

The actress described those moments as follows; “We were on the set and I said, ‘I can’t do it with this kid. He said the same. We had nothing in common, our views on life were very different. But he has a devil hair, and I have patience. As colleagues, we became very good friends. It happened in an instant. I was struck by him himself, not one thing, but his very being…”