Artists News İlker Kaleli fans showed great interest in the La Pasion Turca series!

İlker Kaleli fans showed great interest in the La Pasion Turca series!


Our pride İlker Kaleli, who has opened up to the world in acting, is making a name for himself in the international arena. Kaleli’s series ‘La Pasion Turca’, which was broadcast on Antenna 3 in Spain and attracted great attention, has now met with viewers all over the world through Netflix Spain.

The series was also broadcast on Netflix Turkey on June 28 and quickly became one of the most watched productions. In addition, according to the comments made on social media, the series attracted great attention.

The actor began to receive great praise from his fans on social media. In the series, which combines passion and eroticism, Kalel shared the leading role with Spanish actress Maggie Civantos.

After receiving great acclaim on BBC and Netflix UK with his English-language series ‘The Serpent’, İlker Kaleli has now taken his place in the international arena with another effective project with his Spanish-language series ‘La Pasion Turca’.

Despite not knowing Spanish, the actor memorized the series during the preparation process and successfully got through this process by taking language courses.

İlker Kaleli also made history as the first Turkish actor whose series was broadcast on Netflix Spain.

Although Turkey is a major TV series exporter, there was criticism that Turkish actors were not sufficiently featured in foreign productions. However, Kaleli managed to stand out as a successful representative in this field.