Artists News The harmony between Emre Karayel and Meryem Uzerli in the Ru series was very successful!

The harmony between Emre Karayel and Meryem Uzerli in the Ru series was very successful!


The RU series, which was broadcast on the Gain platform, met with the audience on May 24 and attracted great attention. The series, starring Meryem Uzerli and Emre Karayel, received very positive comments on social media, which cemented the success of the project.

The positive comments on social media also cheered up the lead duo Meryem Uzerli and Emre Karayel. Evaluating the very positive feedback, the duo gave the green light to meet again in a different project.

The message of the duo is as follows: “Why not? The series is on the agenda to continue, but it is not clear at the moment. Our hearts are with this team continuing on its path. We would like to meet in new projects as well.”

Karayel and Uzerli, who achieved great harmony on set, did not forget to compliment each other with complimentary words.

Meryem Uzerli made the following statement about her partner Emre Karayel: “I was very happy when I heard that Emre was in the cast. After meeting Emre, my muscles were very affected; they hurt from laughing. Even my dentist will say, ‘Don’t meet Emre too much.’”

Emre Karayel emphasized that he was impressed by Meryem Uzerli’s high energy and said, “Meryem’s energy is enough. Even if you are in a low mood, say ‘hello’ to her, and your whole mood changes in an instant. She is always like that when you are outside.”