Artists News Melisa Aslı Pamuk is not a serial, but she is experiencing another great excitement!

Melisa Aslı Pamuk is not a serial, but she is experiencing another great excitement!


Melisa Aslı Pamuk has not made a TV series deal yet for the new season. However, the actress is in the cast of the film about the life of folk poet Neşet Ertaş.

Melisa Aslı Pamuk, who was on the last agenda as Setenay in the Hayaller ve Hayatlar (Dreams and Lives) series published on the Bein Connect platform, was also on the set of the movie “Garip Bülbül Neşet Ertaş”.

The actress said, “There is nothing more for the new season, but we are shooting a good movie. We are shooting Neşet right now, I hope it will be very good.”

It was also revealed that the film, which continues to be shot in Istanbul, will be released on December 23. The scenes of the movie will be shot in Kırşehir and Ankara.

The name that enlivened the life of Neşet Ertaş, a saz and lyricist, was Ramazan Bağgül. Apart from Melisa Aslı Pamuk in the cast of the film; There are also important names such as Yüsra Geyik, Toygan Avanoğlu, Selin Genç, Rüzgar Aksoy, Gözde Kansu, Bahtiyar Engin, Caner Kurtaran, Renan Bilek, Cemal Toptaş, Erkan Kolçak Köstendil.

Melisa Aslı Pamuk is not a serial, but she is experiencing another great excitement! 7
Melisa Aslı Pamuk gave an image with a different image, and her lover Mustafa Mert Koç stated that she liked this version of the actor who renewed the image for the movie.

The couple, who had been in love for a while, was also asked about the issue of marriage. Instead of giving a clear answer, the couple just said “Good luck, whatever happens”.

Fans who expect Melisa Aslı Pamuk to be on the screen with a TV series again in the new season, are waiting for the result of the process of evaluating the offers that the actress received after the filming.