Series News Ne Gemiler Yaktım series will give a rating test in the second episode!

Ne Gemiler Yaktım series will give a rating test in the second episode!

The low ratings achieved in the first episode of Ay Yapım’s series ‘Ne Gemiler Yaktım’ (What Ships Did I Burn), which aired on Show TV and was directed by Altan Dönmez and whose story and script belonged to Banu Kiremitçi Bozkurt, were surprising.

There is hope that the series, which has a good story and is expected to attract female viewers, will achieve better ratings in the second episode. There is an expectation that fans of Devrim Özkan and Deniz Baysal, especially the leading actors, will provide more intense support to the series.

The ratings of the second episode of the series, starring Berk Hakman and Erkan Kolçak Köstendil, are of great importance in terms of how the project will progress in the coming weeks.

Just as there are many productions that started their screen time with low ratings but subsequently increased their ratings, there is also a series environment where there are productions that fail to achieve this and have to make an early finale.

It is also evaluated that the TV series Ne Gemiler Yaktım is more advantageous because it tells the story of two women.

The rating results of the series, which includes names such as Nazmi Kırık, Mert Denizmen, Onuryay Evrentan, Züleyha Yıldız, Melisa Duru Ünal, Onur Dikmen, Ata Çağan Timur, Süreya Kilimci and master actors Macit Koper and Çiğdem Selışık Onat, will be followed with curiosity.

What will happen in the second episode of Ne Gemiler Yaktım Here are the details:

Confused by what she heard from Rutkay, Yasemin doesn’t know whether to believe Fidan or Rutkay. Yasemin returns home with the question of whether Fidan really killed Neriman; When she cannot find Fidan and Zeynep at home, she goes from street to street looking for them. Yasemin finds Fidan and Zeynep in a park and takes them back home.

The paths of the two women meet again. Rutkay, on the other hand, does not let go of them and goes to Tevfik’s house and gives him scary moments. Following Halil’s footsteps, Toprak meets Yasemin while wandering around the Nazarlık Esnaf Restaurant. Rutkay will use his trump card to get Fidan and Zeynep to return to the mansion.

“Ne Gemiler Yaktım” with its new episode on Monday, December 11 at 20.00 on Show TV!