Artists News Nur Fettahoğlu is coming with two new projects

Nur Fettahoğlu is coming with two new projects

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Nur Fettahoğlu, who will soon be in front of her fans with two new feature films, is currently working on the project called Daha İyi Bir Yarın, directed by Emre Kavuk. The actress, who took part in the shootings in Gökçeada, explained how much she was affected by the scenario.

Speaking to TV100, the famous actress also told that they have another movie project that they will shoot in Macedonia in the autumn. Struggling for the rights and freedoms of the Turkish people in Western Thrace, Nur Fettahoğlu plays the leading role together with Turgay Aydın in the project, which tells the life of Sadık Ahmet.

The actress stated that they will be shooting in Macedonia in the fall and that she is involved in two projects that excite her. Nur Fettahoğlu, who appeared in the TV series “Kağıt Ev” on Star TV, shared the lead role with Erdal Beşikçioğlu. After saying goodbye to the 8-episode series, the actress went to the set for filming without a break.

By saying, “I am doing very exciting things these days,” the actor gave the message that she is coming with new and ambitious productions.