Series News On Tuesday, September 14th, Masumlar Apartmanı series will start with a surprise!

On Tuesday, September 14th, Masumlar Apartmanı series will start with a surprise!

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Masumlar Apartmanı, one of the popular TV series on TRT1 screens, is preparing for a new era. The shooting of the series started last week… It turned out that Ezgi Mola joined the team of the series with a delay due to catching the coronavirus.

Masumlar Apartmanı, which was broadcast on TRT1 screens on Tuesday evenings, left its first season behind very successfully. The series, which entered the rating race with Eşkıya Dünyaya Hükümdar Olmaz, was one of the most successful productions last season.

In the announcement made by TRT1, it was informed that the second season of the series Masumlar Apartmanı will meet with the audience on Tuesday, September 14 at 20:00.

The story of the series, which is a masterpiece adapted from the heartbreaking stories of real lives, was adapted from the work of Gülseren Budaıcıoğlu. The new season surprise of the series is Melisa Şenolsun.

A new character is coming to the story and it is planned to fill the void created by the departure of İnci character in this way.

After Farah Zeynep Abdullah did not want to be in the series anymore, this character died in the first season finale. After this shocking development, it was revealed that Yıldız character will be included in the story in the new season.

Melisa Şenolsun as Yıldız will try to fill the gap of Farah Zeynep Abdullah in the series. It was revealed that the actress, who first agreed with the Aziz series, later left by mutual agreement with the producer.