Series News Onur Seyit Yaran gave the secret to the success of the series Kardeşlerim!

Onur Seyit Yaran gave the secret to the success of the series Kardeşlerim!


In the last 2 years, young actors Onur Seyit Yaran and Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun have gained great popularity with the TV series Kardeşlerim (My Brothers and Sisters). The duo, who came to the fore with the characters Doruk and Asiye in the series broadcast on Saturday evenings, continues to be among the most talked about names in the social media environment.

In the list of the most popular TV series actors, both Onur Seyit Yaran and Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun did not lose the first place for a long time. With the third season of Kardeşlerim TV series starting to appear on the ATV screen again, the interest in this duo continues to increase.

So what are the things that cause the series to get such good ratings and young actors to be talked about so much? Onur Seyit Yaran, who answered the questions from the fans in the program on Onedio’s youtube channel, expressed his secret of success with the following words:

“We are used to this much love, of course, it makes us very happy. There is no such thing as we got used to it, we started to digest it. I think that the popularity of the series is also due to the fact that it is multi-story, too many characters tell too many stories. It appeals to many people and has many colors.”

Su Burcu Yazgıı Coşkun, who did not leave her partner alone in the program, thanked the followers and said, “We are in the third season and our ratings are still very good and we still have great supporters. That’s why we’re so happy,” she said.