Series News Rating confession from Talat Bulut, who was on the agenda with the Tuzak after the Yasak Elma!

Rating confession from Talat Bulut, who was on the agenda with the Tuzak after the Yasak Elma!


Talat Bulut, who left the cast of the series after a very successful process in the Yasak Elma (Forbidden Apple) series, took the lead role in the tv8 series Tuzak (Trap) this season.

The actor again gave an effective performance and the audience supported the master actor on social media with commendable comments. The actress, who also attracted attention with his criticism of the script of the Tuzak series, made the assessment that the scenario was troublesome in terms of believability by going through a lot of variability after the starting point of the characters.

Trap TV series also declined to very low ratings with the effect of scenario problems. The completion of 26 episodes on the TV8 screen of the series can be explained by its foreign interest. As a result of the high demand for the series from foreign countries and the very good international sales, it was possible for the Tuzak series to find 26 episodes.

Akın Akınözü and Bensu Soral took the lead roles in the TV series “Tuzak”, which ended last week and said goodbye to the screen. Talat Bulut’s statement on the ratings after the series, in which he also took the leading role, was also remarkable.

Reminding that ratings are an important criterion for every player, Talat Bulut said: “Not only some players, but all players have ratings anxiety. A person wants to do as many episodes as he/she starts and ends.”

Talat Bulut was also criticized for his statements about young actors. Explaining that there are very good actors of the new generation, Talat Bulut said, “It is always natural to be jealous of a good actor. “I didn’t mean to say that there would be a better actor than me,” he said.