Series News Sen Çal Kapımı series completed its first year

Sen Çal Kapımı series completed its first year

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Sen Çal Kapımı series broadcast on Fox TV has already taken its place among the phenomena of the Turkish TV series world. The series, which started broadcasting for the first time on July 8, 2020, will turn 1 year old tomorrow.

In Sen Çal Kapımı, starring Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin, the main characters of the series, Eda and Serkan, became such a perfect couple that the love between them affected not only Turkey but the whole world.

Sen Çal Kapımı, which has locked the audience on the screen since the first day it was broadcast, is broadcast in many countries, including Italy, Spain, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, as well as many Arab countries. The series has recently started to be broadcast in Albania.

The series, which did not get very high ratings in Turkey last winter season, saw a lot of interest from abroad, and it was decided to continue its broadcast. Sen Çal Kapımı series, which was interrupted for a while, appeared in front of the audience with its new season in the first week of June. The series managed to achieve very good ratings with its new season.

Sen Çal Kapımı, one of the conquerors of social media. The series is among the most shared on social media, both with its episodes and with its leading actors. The series took the 7th place on the world agenda with the 35th episode tag “I remember” and entered the list of the most talked about in 26 countries. Eda and Serkan of “Sen Çal Kapımı” managed to be on the agenda on Twitter today as well.

Fox TV series Sen Çal Kapımı will make its final with its 50th episode. There are only six episodes left until the finale of the series, which will air its 44th episode tonight. However, with its success, Sen Çal Kapımı made its name among the best in Turkish TV series history.