Series News Talat Bulut listed the criticism for the Tuzak series, and Bensu Soral’s excitement is like the first day!

Talat Bulut listed the criticism for the Tuzak series, and Bensu Soral’s excitement is like the first day!

Series Turkish

One of the highly anticipated TV series of the new season is Tuzak. After the release of the project, which fans of the series have been waiting for a long time with great excitement, it was almost disappointing with its ratings.

After the low ratings, the broadcast time of the Tuzak series, in which Akın Akınözü and Bensu Soral took the lead, was first moved forward, and then allegations were made that it would make a final in the 13th episode.

Talat Bulut, one of the leading actors in the Tuzak series, and the master actor also made serious criticisms of the script. Talat Bulut, who stated that the character’s point was not good after weeks passed with the character written when he first started, revealed the main problem in the Tuzak series with his interview, where he drew attention to the script mistakes.

For Talat Bulut, the changes in the scenario lie behind the failure. However, if asked to Bensu Soral, the famous actress still goes to the set with the excitement of the first day and continues to work at an intense pace.

Bensu Soral said the following in an environment of increasing criticism about the Tuzak series on social media: “Everything is fine. Tomorrow, I will get up very early again and go to the set.”

For Bensu Soral, while the Tuzak series is still a project that she is very excited about, Talat Bulut’s ranking of the criticisms created an interesting situation.

Talat Bulut expressed the mistake in the Tuzak TV series as follows: “We need to create an area that can attract the attention of everyone. We need to distribute the story within that area. Maybe we don’t have it. Keep your performance as vigorous as you want, if there is a scenario that affects you, if there is a director that affects you, if there is a channel broadcast that affects you… We have not yet accepted the understanding and distribution of collectivism.”