Series News The first season of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series was marked by the issue of prohibition, Müjde Uzman’s comment was remarkable!

The first season of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series was marked by the issue of prohibition, Müjde Uzman’s comment was remarkable!

Series Turkish

Müjde Uzman, who played the character of Alev in the Kızılcık Şerbeti (Cranberry Sherbet) series, has entered a career break again as she has returned to the screen with a very effective role this season. The character of Alev appeared as a character that many other actors in the series wanted to portray.

Alev’s benevolent personality and charming demeanor caused her to be placed in a different position in the Kızılcık Şerbeti story. With the support she gave to Nursema and Doğa, the character of Alev turned into someone who can be taken as an example for female audiences. Ceren Yalazoğlu stated that if she had not played Nursema, she would have wanted to play the character of Alev.

While Müjde Uzman exhibited her talents on the television screen with such an effective role, she is among the popular names on social media with the success of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series.

Answering the questions at the event she attended, the actress said, “I hope our second season will continue like this,” and expressed her wish to repeat the success of the first season in the new term.

The famous actress said, “It has been a very good season for us. It just passed so fast. I didn’t know when it started and when it ended. We are tired, but when there is success, response and attention, that tiredness is very sweet.”

The suspension of the broadcast of 5 episodes, given by the Radio and Television Supreme Council for the series, was among the questions asked to the actor. Müjde Uzman stated that she did not perceive this situation as preventing success and made the following comment:

“I see it as an extension and part of the general problems in our country, not as a hindrance to success. It happens like this, it happens in every sector, I think everyone lives. But I don’t think there is a problem. Sweetly passed, passed.”

Explaining that she likes all TV series and is against bans, the actress said that they point to the right by pointing out the wrong in the professional sense.

Müjde Uzman stated that the ban culture is not correct. Trying to stay away from polemics while answering the questions about the Yalı Çapkını (Golden Boy) series, the actress underlined that the banning issues are not the topics to be discussed in this period.