Artists News The instagram correspondence between Ezgi Mola and Gupse Özay made you laugh! Subject: Merve Dizdar!

The instagram correspondence between Ezgi Mola and Gupse Özay made you laugh! Subject: Merve Dizdar!

Series Turkish

Those who follow Ezgi Mola and Gupse Özay on Instagram witness their sweet bickering with each other from time to time. While Özay, with her usual humorous style, blames Ezgi Mola through Merve Dizdar, Ezgi Mola also responds.

A new one has been added to these sweet quarrels between the two. Messaging on social media in the past days also showed that the three actresses came together during the holiday. Gupse Özay, who is currently 8 months pregnant and will soon be holding her baby in her arms, was also reflected in her Instagram posts, where she went to her hometown Izmir a while ago.

The friendship and bond of friendship between Gupse Özay, Ezgi Mola and Merve Dizdar, who actually love each other even though they quarrel on social media, is different from what it seems. The inability to share Merve Dizdar, which caused the quarrel between them, is just a joke…

The event actually turned into a skirmish after Gupse Özay and Merve Dizdar appeared in front of the camera together in the TV series Eltilerin Savaşı, and after Dizdar started to play with Ezgi Mola in the series of Mahsumlar Apartmanı (Innocent Apartments) for two seasons!

From time to time, Gupse Özay refers to her beloved friend and partner Merve Dizdar’s growing friendship with Ezgi Mola after playing in the Masumlar Apartmanı. Mola and Özay’s bickering in the social media comments where Dizdar could not be shared also makes the audience laugh.

Finally, it was revealed by Gupse Özay’s comment on Ezgi Mola’s post that the three actresses, who met in Alaçatı, spent time together. Mola went on vacation with Merve Dizdar in her rented trailer. The two actors have been sharing their entertaining videos and photos for a while.

Ezgi Mola shared the photos from her adventure of the last few days on her Instagram page with the note “Summary of 10 days”. Gupse Özay’s message, “Why didn’t you put me in, you rude” came to the photos of her adventures with her friends, cute dogs, and Merve Dizdar…

Ezgi Mola responded to this message sent by Gupse Özay from Instagram by saying, “You’re angry because I didn’t say don’t put me out every time, my Gupse, I didn’t want to upset you in the process.”

Merve Dizdar’s comment “And you get on my nerves a lot” with humor is also seen in the bickering between the two…

Below is a photo from the night in Alaçatı, including the director of the Masumlar Apartmanı, Çağrı Vila Lostuvalı, the actress Esra Rusan, and Ezgi Mola’s very close friend Enis Arıkan. It was understood in the messaging that Gupse Özay was also there that evening.

In another message, Gupse Özay said, “We also talked. You were not there. We didn’t inform you,” and it is also seen that she sneered at Merve Dizdar.

While Ezgi Mola replied to this message, “My Gupse’s place is always different”, she also said, “I know, Ezgi! I wrote it so that Merve would know, too,” and her humorous response made her laugh. These messages between the three actresses were also watched with interest by their followers.