Artists News The nervous system of the two leading actors in the Ateş Kuşları series is broken, the next is very interesting!

The nervous system of the two leading actors in the Ateş Kuşları series is broken, the next is very interesting!

Series Turkish

The duo of İlayda Alişan and Burak Tozkoparan, who took the leading roles in the Ateş Kuşları (Firebirds) project, also became a successful TV series couple. Playing the characters of Gülayşe and Barbaros, the duo is described as one of the most harmonious couples of the season.

The two actors who get along very well with each other on the set of the series, have difficulties in some scenes. The reason for this difficulty is sometimes shown as the deterioration of their nervous system and their laughing crisis.

İlayda Alişan and Burak Tozkoparan said that they had a hard time in the same scene in the story of the series. It was very challenging for İlayda Alişan to reenact the scene where Gülayşe steals the money from Çatal and gives it to Ali. Burak Tozkoparan also stated that he watched this scene while it was being shot and that he was having difficulties as well.

İlayda Alişan and Burak Tozkoparan duo answered questions from the audience. According to Alişan, the partner has many features similar to the character of Barbaros, which he plays. Tozkoparan doesn’t think it’s like that.

İlayda Alişan, “Which scene was the most difficult for you?” gave the following answer to the question:

“I had one scene with Ali, the scene where I give the money to Ali, the money I stole from Çatal. It was such a cold day that our nervous system broke down and we had a laughing fit. Burak joins the stage later. We shot it many times, I guess we shot that scene for 3 hours or so.”

Burak Tozkoparan admitted that he had difficulties in the shooting of that scene and said, “It was my most difficult scene, too, because I was watching from behind. It has been difficult,” he said.

Explaining that they were constantly laughing and having fun on the set, Tozkoparan also admitted that they had difficulties with the intensity of the set.