Series News The rivalry between Kızılcık Şerbeti and Yalı Çapkını was even reflected in the set works!

The rivalry between Kızılcık Şerbeti and Yalı Çapkını was even reflected in the set works!


The second seasons of the Yalı Çapkını (Golden Boy) and Kızılcık Şerbeti (Cranberry Sherbet) series, which were in great competition on Friday evenings last season, began to be expected with great excitement.

With the end of the summer period and the month of September, it is almost time for the new seasons of the series to meet with the audience. The teams of the series are also making intensive preparations.

Competition of Yalı Çapkını and Kızılcık Şerbeti series; It is possible to understand that the sets will continue from the start date of the new season to the airing periods of the first episodes.

The teams of both series will come together at the end of August and start working at similar times. On the 15th of September, the new episode of the Kızılcık Şerbeti will be released for sure. It will not be surprising that the new episode of the Yalı Çapkını series will be published on the same day due to the great competition.

The writers of both series had a busy summer period and the stories were diversified. New actors have joined the cast, and the stories have been expanded with new characters.

A very intense and great competition awaits the crews of the Kızılcık Şerbeti and Yalı Çapkını TV series. Whichever series’ story is more effective, it seems likely that it will take the lead in the ratings. Last season, the Yalı Çapkını series fell behind its rival for a while, but then he got used to the superiority.

It would not be wrong to say that Ateş Kuşları (Firebirds) and Arka Sokaklar (Back Streets) TV series will also come to the fore with new stories and actors on Friday evenings and the competition will be very tough.