Series News There is a character who plays 3 monkeys in the Yalı Çapkını series, which confused the audience!

There is a character who plays 3 monkeys in the Yalı Çapkını series, which confused the audience!

Series Turkish

We are talking about the characters of Suna and Seyran in the TV series The Yalı Çapkını (Golden Boy). Beril Pozam and Afra Saraçoğlu duo stand out as sisters in solidarity with each other in the story of the series. We also observe that the audience is beginning to get confused about the character of Suna in the TV series The Yalı Çapkını, which is widely watched and brings millions to the Star TV screen on Friday evenings.

Judging by the comments on the social media, some viewers share pleasant feelings about the beauty of the sisterhood of Suna and Seyran, while others criticize Suna very harshly. There is a process going on that confuses the audience, too.

The viewers, who think that Suna has a “I didn’t see, I didn’t hear, I don’t know” attitude and didn’t warn her sister Seyran that they know, compare her to 3 monkeys.

Says one viewer, “Even if Suna knows, sees and hears certain things, she will not share it with anyone for her own benefit.”

There are also many who say that Suna, who did not tell Seyran anything about what she knew, “She is doing business behind her brother’s back”.

Beril Pozam’s successful performance in the character of Suna, who is accused of throwing her brother Seyran into the fire for her own salvation, is among the reasons why these comments started to get very harsh.

Many viewers also make comments stating that Suna’s attitudes hurt her and that she is questioning the bond of brotherhood between them.

However, there are viewers who feel the opposite of this thought and reflect it on social media. A viewer comments on the youtube channel of the series: I love the bond between Seyran and Suna so much that the fate of the two sisters is one.

Prisoners of the same hell, same cruelty. They never stopped protecting and protecting each other. There’s nothing either of them can’t do for each other.”

The fact that Suna did not tell Seyran what she knew, did not bring up the subject of Zerrin and Kazım, but that Seyran stood by her sister under all circumstances and protected her, was a remarkable detail in the story.

Seyran receives praise for its strong bond of brotherhood. Suna, on the other hand, has confused the audience badly and receives criticism from the audience for “playing 3 monkeys”.