Original Title: Kalbimdeki Deniz English Title: Sea Inside My Heart Also Known As: Genre: Drama, Romance Episodes: 20+ Broadcast Network: Fox Tv Broadcast Period: January 12, 2017– Production Company: Pastel Film Director: Aysun Akyuz Mehdiabbas Screen Writer: Funda Cetin
Deniz (Ozge Ozberk) has everything a woman can ask for: she has a wealthy life and lives happily with her two lovely children and a handsome husband. She has been raised without seeing any hardship. Therefore, she is well-intentioned all the time and trusts all the people around her.
Deniz’s life turns upside down when her husband Alihan (Hakan Eratik) disappears with no trace. She worries about the life of her husband without knowing that her husband has left them behind and has run away with his lover Sebnem (Zeynep Aydemir) in order to start a new life. She also does not know that her cousin Hulya (Devin Ozgur Cinar) is the one who arranged this forbidden love.