All Series What kind of series is Akif; The story, the actors, the trailer and all the details!

What kind of series is Akif; The story, the actors, the trailer and all the details!

Series Turkish

Of course, one of the TV series broadcast on TRT’s new digital platform is Akif. The series has both a strong cast and a story that will deeply affect the audience.

The series, in which names such as Adnan Biricik, Taha Baran Özbek, Gökçe Akyıldız, Erdem Akakçe, Özge Borak and Ertan Saban, as well as the leading actor Fikret Kuşkan, also played, takes the viewers to the recent period of Turkey.

The story of the series; The story of Mehmet Akif, which started with the days of the Balkan War, when he appeared on the stage of history, extends to the aftermath of the War of Independence, when he was accepted as a national poet.

In such a period when the whole country was engulfed in flames like a wooden mansion set on fire from both ends, and bad news came from the Ottoman lands, Akif, who took care of his country like every patriotic intellectual and wrote articles to guide the youth to the right path, also struggled with the crises in the family. will have to.

Throughout the series, we witness both the difficulties of the War of Independence, the ordeal that this great character went through while writing the National Anthem, the games played on the country, and all kinds of future conflicts between the intellectuals of the period.