Artists News Why were those who admired Serenay Sarıkaya’s song angry with the production team of the Aile series?

Why were those who admired Serenay Sarıkaya’s song angry with the production team of the Aile series?

The 6th episode of the Aile (Family) series met with the audience on Tuesday evening and again very successful results came in terms of ratings.

The series, which won the first place in the AB and ABC1 groups, is in the fifth place in the all people category. The most curious scene in the 6th episode of the series was the song Devin sang.

Devin’s song was featured in the trailer and some messages shared before the 6th episode of the series. Serenay Sarıkaya’s fans also eagerly awaited this scene. Yes, the scene was beautiful and it got a lot of attention on social media.

The audience shared thousands of posts about how successful Serenay Sarıkaya was not only with her acting performance, but also with her song performance.

The famous actress on Twitter became one of the most talked about names of the day. However, let’s point out that the viewers also have reproach and anger.

The moments when Serenay Sarıkaya sang were kept short. In other words, it was thought that a short part of the eagerly anticipated scene was broadcast in the trailer, and she was expected to sing the whole song.

After this scene was too short, the audience made comments on the social media stating that they were angry with the production team of the Aile series this time.

The audience, who left comments saying, “Please share the whole studio recording,” is uncomfortable with the fact that those moments when Serenay Sarıkaya spoke sincerely were kept short.

Those who praised the famous actress by commenting, “The song is difficult, bravo,” question why the entire song was not sung and kept so short.

Serenay Sarıkaya has an audience that pays attention to all the details, from her outfits to her hair style and facial expressions. This audience believes that the scenes that the actress fascinates with her voice should increase.