Artists News The elegance of Demet Özdemir enchanted her fans!

The elegance of Demet Özdemir enchanted her fans!


The 46th Pantene Golden Butterfly Awards found their owners, albeit with a delay.

Demet Özdemir, who attracted attention with her hair and make-up, besides the clothes she wore at the award ceremony published on the tape, also shared the details from her social media account. The famous actress, who thanked her friends who prepared her for the night, loved the dress she wore.

Demet Özdemir, said; “My successful, disciplined and good-hearted friend Eda Güngör for this beautiful dress, you dreamed and made me very happy … But when we return to our normal life, we will gladly wear that dress.”

The famous actress, who gave life to the character of Zeynep in the My Home My Destiny series you were born, was one of the most popular names of the night.

Demet Özdemir’s low-cut dress has attracted thousands of likes from her fans.

The actress talked about the preparations for the night and expressed her happiness in the following words:

“For this special day, this is how I prepared with my sparkly hair for the Pantene Golden Butterfly Awards. I am very happy that we are participating in the magic of the night, albeit from a distance. I love you all.”