Artists News Sen Çal Kapımı series teaches a great lesson with both the team and the fandom!

Sen Çal Kapımı series teaches a great lesson with both the team and the fandom!

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50 episodes of Sen Çal Kapımı series are left behind. The story of the series before the finale still adorns the curiosity of the audience… The series, in which Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin lead roles, is also a lesson for many romantic comedies.

Eda and Serkan’s adventure has come to an end. The project, which has affected millions of viewers to date, has been broadcast abroad by many country televisions. “Sen Çal Kapımı” has always been talked about not only with its ratings but also with the power of social media.

The team of the series, which was together for 58 weeks on the set, had recently completed the shooting. When the stock episodes are completed, the series will no longer be on the agenda. However, many memories remain…

The crew of the series, especially Hande Erçel and Keram Bürsin, received very good feedback. Because the work was done in a family atmosphere, with high energy and self-sacrificing.

Series fans also support the team with millions of shares on social media. We are talking about an audience who is always with the actors. In fact, if Kerem Bürsin and Hande Erçel have been the most talked-about actors in social media research for weeks, the reason for this was the impressiveness of the Sen Çal Kapımı series.

The making of romantic comedy almost taught a great lesson. It was watched more than many ambitious productions during the winter period. The fact that the 50th episode ranks second in all people and third in AB and ABC1 groups also indicates that this interest continues.

The last 2 episodes of the series, which has reached a point that is very difficult to reach for a romantic comedy production, are now left. You Çal Kapımı will say goodbye to its 52nd episode on Wednesday, September 8th. However, a very successful business will be left behind. The series, which will continue to make you proud with its overseas sales, is also a lesson for all producers who want to move forward with romantic comedy.

If the story is good, if the actors achieve a successful harmony, if a script is written without forgetting the drama and comedy elements, success will be achieved… Here’s Sen Çal Kapımı brought this fact before everyone’s eyes.