Series News The effect of the shocking separation in Masumlar Apartmanı will last a long time!

The effect of the shocking separation in Masumlar Apartmanı will last a long time!

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Continuing to meet with the audience on the TRT1 screen, Masumlar Apartmanı again gathered its fans on the screen with its second season. The 38th episode of the series, which was broadcast on Tuesday evenings, came to the screen the previous day. Merve Dizdar, Ezgi Mola, Birkan Sokullu and Melisa Şenolsun, who joined the team in the new season, take the lead roles.

The series, which made a very successful debut last season, was almost at the top of the ratings. Masumlar Apartmanı, which was a great success, also connected millions of viewers to it. It was a very meaningful and good start that the series came first in all categories at the opening of the second season.

In the first season finale of Masumlar Apartmanı series, it was wondered what would happen after the separation of Farah Zeynep Abdullah, which shocked everyone. The absence of İnci in the story will deeply affect the second season of the series. Birkan Sokullu, who plays the character of Han, gave the most important message in this regard.

Mentioning that the death of İnci character will affect not only Han character but also all other characters, the actress stated that there will be some surprises in the series.

It was revealed from Birkan Sokullu’s statement that especially the character of Han will experience very surprising emotional transitions. Speaking to TRT Haber, the famous actor shed light on the upcoming episodes of the series with the following words:

“We had a very enjoyable season, which was appreciated by the audience. I hope it will be the same this season. She left Han with a huge trauma where we left her. She actually suffered a serious loss. All characters will experience the impact of this loss.

In the next process, we are very curious about Han’s reaction and mood. I don’t think it will be from a conventional place. I can say it won’t. I can say that we will see it with a mood of surprise.”